Giovanotti Mondani Meccanici - Movimenti Sul Fondo

About This Project

Movimenti Sul Fondo (Movements from Sea Floor) – (Giovanotti Mondani Meccanici – Italy 1986)

1 – Movimenti Sul Fondo part 1
2 – Movimenti Sul Fondo part 2
3 – Movimenti Sul Fondo (Instrumental)

Soundtrack of the homonymous video-installation produced in September ’86 for the “Arte degli Ambienti” Festival in Pantelleria. Later it was staged also in Firenze (October ’86), Perugia (April ’87) and finally in Palermo (June ’87, part of the collective exhibition “Per amor del Cielo” at the Modern Art Gallery).
The installation is a ever-changing landscape of memories dedicated:
“…to the black island, where a beloved shipwrecked friend, after having suffered for long time has been turned into a fish”.

The theme of the work is the shipwreck in all of its allegorical meanings. Mixing music, electronic images, voices, scenographic materials, GMM re-proposes the poetic reconstruction of a seascape populated by fishermen, castaways, wrecks, hallucinated backgrounds.
Here is a snippet on YouTube

Music: Maurizio Dami (Alexander Robotnick)
Video-art: Antonio Glessi
Lyrics: Andrea Zingoni
Scenography: Loretta Mugnai

Vocals: Andrea Zingoni, Maurizio Dami, Antonio Glessi, Eva Ciucci, Cristina Lopez Dupuy, Francesca Meucci


Love SupremeGMMIn-A-Gadda-Da-VidaGMM Suite

Music for Installations

Andrea Zingoni, Antonio Glessi, Giovanotti Mondani Meccanici, GMM, Loretta Mugnai, Maurizio Dami